PLRG @ Korea University

Welcome to Programming Language Research Group (PLRG) at Korea University!

Our research goal is to help developers design and implement high-quality software using diverse programming language technologies.

Especially our research interests are as follows:

  • program analysis for automatically understanding program behaviors and detecting bugs and vulnerabilities.
  • mechanized specification to fill the gap between human-readable specifications and machine-friendly software.
  • program synthesis to lessen the burden of software development by automatically generating programs.
  • automated testing to generate test cases for software automatically on behalf of humans.

We are actively recruiting motivated graduate/undergraduate students and postdocs. For more detailed information, please see Research and Publications.

Contact Information

Room 609A, Science Library Bldg
College of Informatics
Korea University
Anam-dong 5-ga, Seongbuk-gu
Seoul 136-713, Korea
(office) +82) 02-3290-4602