Jihyeok Park (박지혁)

I’m actively recruiting motivated graduate/undergraduate students and postdocs who interested in programming languages and software engineering. For more detailed information, please see Research and Publications.

I’m an Assistant Professor at Programming Language Research Group (PLRG), Dept. of Computer Science and Engineering, College of Informatics, Korea University. I received my Ph.D. from Programming Language Research Group (PLRG) at KAIST under the supervision of Prof. Sukyoung Ryu. My main research topic is programming languages and software engineering, including program analysis, mechanized specification, program synthesis, and automated testing. I’m also leading an open-source project, ESMeta, which is a framework that extracts a mechanized specification from a given version of ECMAScript specification (ECMA-262) and automatically generates language-based tools.

[Curriculum Vitae (CV)]

Educational Background

Employed Positions

Research Interest

Please see Research.


Please see Publications.

Professional Activities

Invited Participants

Honors & Awards

  • Ph.D. Dissertation Award, College of Engineering, KAIST, 2022.
  • An Outstanding Ph.D. Thesis, School of Computing, KAIST, 2022.
  • ACM SIGSOFT Distinguished Paper Award, ICSE 2021.
  • Ph.D. Fellowship Award, NAVER Corp., 2020.
  • Outstanding Teaching Assistant Award, KAIST CS320 Programming Languages
    (5 times - 2016 Fall / 2017 Spring / 2018 Spring / 2018 Fall / 2019 Spring).
  • Outstanding Teaching Assistant Award, KAIST CS109 Programming Practice, 2016 Spring.
  • Best Paper Award, SOAP 2017.
  • ACM Student Research Competition 3rd, Modularity 2014.
  • KAIST Presidential Fellowship, School of Computing, KAIST, 2013.


Please see Courses.


Please see Talks.

Contact Information

Room 609A, Science Library Bldg
College of Informatics
Korea University
Anam-dong 5-ga, Seongbuk-gu
Seoul 136-713, Korea
(office) +82) 02-3290-4602